Dance Beyond Barriers
Dance Beyond Barriers
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Dance Beyond Barriers- who are we?       
DBB outreach/community classes       
Artistic Director- Casey Keed       
Up and Coming Performances       
Dance Beyond Barriers- SUPPORT NETWORK       



‘Dance Beyond Barriers’ are a new local dance group within the Canberra region with expierience in Contemporary and Hip-Hop. Dance Beyond Barriers was created to put forth a greater awareness of sexual abuse, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, child neglect, youth suicide, racism, homelessness and many other issues within the Aboriginal community and within mainstream society that others tend to push to the side. Many dancers within DBB have a passion to help people and found a unique, expressive way to do that through dance. Through building self-esteem and giving hope to young people, it enables a better individual, community and society. Dance Beyond Barriers aims to reach audiences by telling stories through dance. Taking the literally aspect and placing it into bodily movement. The body can portray so much; this is a statement that DBB dancers believe in. DBB dancer's take bodily movements with the implementation of emotions to reach out to audiences and allow awareness on certain topics. Throughout the dance's in several scenarios, from each family members point of view. As well as pure entertainment performances.


For any further details;




or contact Casey Keed on: 0413 906 043

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